Thursday, July 28, 2011

Photos from "Art Lounge" Debut

I'm so so sorry. It's been ages since I've been able to do my laundry, so posting the pictures from my burlesque debut was last on my mind. It's been a crazy time with theatre, having opened and closed 5 shows in the span of 3 months! Yikes!

So, here we go. On the 23rd of June, 2011, Miss Maple Rose performed a burlesque routine for the very first time at Sarina del Fuego's Farewell. The costume was made and designed by Missing James (i.e. Maple Rose herself).

Photos by Abe Bastoli Pennant Hills Studio, and Simon Leong.

THE PEEL:: broken hearts and empty wallets

Maple Rose is having yet another "debut", but this one is on the stage!!!

The amazing duo of Lauren LaRouge and Holly J'aDoll throw a burlesque virgin extravaganza almost monthly. They've been on a bit of a hiatus as Miss LaRouge has been over in America for a few months. But they're coming back at the end of August and YOURS TRULY is performing at "Broken Hearts and Empty Wallets."

My routine is a "Lil' Miss Costume Designer" routine, as most girls know me as the costume designer. The idea is that I'm making a costume, but while doing so, end up ripping the clothes on my back. Hence, I need to take them off! It'll be a cute routine with a bit of tongue and cheek, and loads of sparkles!

Check out the event page HERE: